For every good morning.
Discover your favourite juice!

Rotbäckchen Good Morning

For an optimum all-round nutrition

  • For the whole day
  • From pure juices with Rotbäckchen quality
  • Enriched with 10 vitamins und calcium

A daily serving of 150 ml already covers 23 % of the reference quantity of calcium and 75% of the contained vitamins.

  • Calcium
  • 10 Vitamine

* Compliant with food regulations

* Compliant with food regulations

Why Rotbäckchen Good Morning?

Why Rotbäckchen Good Morning?

For our muscles to function properly and our bones to remain intact, our body needs sufficient vitamin D and the mineral calcium.

Calcium is called a “macronutrient”, which our body needs in larger amounts every day compare to other minerals. Calcium supports healthy bones and teeth. However, the body cannot produce calcium by itself and it must be supplied regularly through diet.
Vitamin D also helps to maintain healthy bones but also supports many other bodily functions. 

Our delicious ingredients

Rote Trauben







Multi-fruit juice with calcium and 10 vitamins - Pure juice

Our Rotbäckchen Good Morning is made from red grapes, apples, aronia berries, elderberries, bananas, blueberries, blackberries, supplemented with calcium and 10 vitamins to keep you going the whole day.  

Nutritional value
In 100 ml:  
Energy 235 kJ (56 kcal)
Fat < 0,5 g
- of which saturates < 0,1 g
Carbohydrate 13 g
- of which sugars 13 g
Fibre < 0,5 g
Protein < 0,5 g
Salt 0,03 g
Vitamins & minerals
In 100 ml:  
Vitamin D3 2,5 µg/50%*
Vitamin B1 0,55 mg/50%*
Vitamin B2 0,70 mg/50%*
Vitamin B6 0,70 mg/50%*
Vitamin B12 1,3 µg/50%*
Vitamin C 40 mg/50%*
Vitamin E 6,0 mg/50%*
Nicain 8,0 mg/50%*
Pantothenic acid 3,0 mg/50%*
Biotin 25 µg/50%*
Calcium 120 mg/15%*

* % of the nutrient reference value

Daily portion

We recommend a daily portion of 150 ml. This covers 23% of the daily serving of calcium and 75% of each vitamin it contains.

We recommend a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

The German Society for Nutrition recommends different daily servings of vitamins and minerals for different age groups and development stages.
According to the German Society for Nutrition, 100 ml covers the following daily serving of vitamin C:

Children (1-3 years) 20%
Children (4-6 years) 16%
Children (7-9 years) 13%
Children (10-12 years) 11%
Children (13-18 years) 10%
Adults (19 years and above) 12%
Pregnant and breastfeeding woman 12%

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung empfiehlt (angelehnt an die Empfehlungen der EU) Referenzmengen für die Zufuhr von Vitaminen und Mineralstoffe für bestimmte Altersgruppen und Lebenszyklen.
100 ml decken die Referenzmenge an Calcium gemäß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung bei:

Kindern (1-3 Jahre) zu 20%
Kindern (4-6 Jahre) zu 16%
Kindern (7-9 Jahre) zu 13%
Kindern (10-12 Jahre) zu 11%
Kindern (13-18 Jahre) zu 10%
Erwachsenen (ab 19 Jahren) zu 12%
Schwangeren und Stillenden zu 12%

Starting the day healthy with Rotbäckchen


Vitamin C and zinc support the immune system all year round.


Our original from 1952 - enriched with iron, it is known for its contribution to blood formation.

Good Morning

For a great start to the day with 10 valuable vitamins and calcium.