Passing on the very best.
Right from the beginning!
Eine Flasche Stillsaft von Rotbäckchen

Mama Nursing Juice

Enjoy yourselves

  • With important vitamins and minerals
  • For the increased need for nutrients during the breastfeeding period
  • With aniseed, fennel and caraway tea fora harmonious breastfeeding relationship
  • Eisen
  • Jod
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Zink

*Compliant with food regulations

*laut geltendem Recht

Why Mama Nursing Juice?

Why Mama Nursing Juice?

Rotbäckchen Mama Nursing Juice combines delicious, direct juice with high-quality aniseed, fennel and caraway tea, plus important vitamins and minerals. The tea contributes to a harmonious breastfeeding relationship, while the vitamins and minerals it contains specifically help to cover the additional nutrient requirements during pregnancy.

Iron contributes to normal blood formation, while vitamin C helps to improve iron absorption. Vitamin B12 helps reduce fatigue and tiredness. Zinc helps to maintain normal skin, hair and nails. Iodine supports the normal function of the thyroid gland.

In the following articles you will learn about the other tasks of vitamins and minerals and why they are so important during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Our delicious ingredients


Rote Trauben

Anis-, Fenchel- und Kümmeltee



Multi-fruit juice with aniseed, fennel and caraway teas, plus vitamins and minerals

Our Rotbäckchen Mama Nursing Juice is made from carefully selected apples, red grapes, aniseed, fennel and caraway tea, aronia berries and elderberries, supplemented with vitamin C and B12, iodine, iron and zinc.

Nutritional values
In 100 ml:  
Energy 198 kJ (47 kcal)
Fat < 0,5 g
of which saturates < 0,1 g
Carbohydrates 11 g
of which sugars 11 g
Fibre < 0,5 g
Protein < 0,5 g
Salt < 0,01 g
Vitamins & minerals
In 100 ml:  
Iron 5,0 mg/ 36%*
Vitamin C 31 mg/ 39%*
Vitamin B12 1,4 µg/ 55%*
Iodine 65,0 µg/ 43%*
Zinc 2,8 mg/ 28%*

*% of the nutrient reference value

Daily portion

We recommend a daily portion of 200 ml. This covers 50% of the recommended daily serving for the vitamins and minerals contained in the product for nursing mothers with low phytate intake according to the German, Austrian and Swiss Societies for Nutrition (D-A-CH reference value).

We recommend a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Starting the day healthy with Rotbäckchen

Mama Iron+

Designed to meet the additional need for iron during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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Mama Nursing Juice

Key vitamins and minerals are crafted into a delicious combination of breastfeeding tea and fruit juices.

Calm & Strength

Perfect for a relaxing break from everyday life - for parents and children.