Passing on the very best.
Discover your favorite juice!

Rotbäckchen Immune

Healthy in every season

  • With zinc and vitamin C to support the immune system
  • Pure juice with Rotbäckchen quality
  • For every weather – tasty warm or chilled

Just a daily portion of 200 ml covers 30% of the daily serving for zinc and 200% of vitamin C.

  • Vitamin C
  • Zink

* Compliant with food regulations

*Compliant with food regulations

Why Rotbäckchen Immune?

Why Rotbäckchen Immune?

For our immune system to function effectively, our body needs both sufficient zinc and vitamin C.

Zinc is an important “trace element”, called such because it only occurs in small amounts in the body. However, the body cannot produce zinc and it must be supplied regularly through diet. It can then contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system, among other things.  

Vitamin C can contribute to the functioning of the immune system as well - but it also has many other functions in the body. For example, it helps to reduce fatigue and tiredness and protects the cells from oxidative stress.

Our Rotbäckchen Immune contains these two important nutrients. 

Our delicious ingredients

Red grapes

Aronia cherries


Acerola cherries

Rote Trauben





Multi-fruit juice with zinc and vitamin C – Pure juice

Our Rotbäckchen Immune is made from carefully selected red grapes, apples, aronia berries, elderberries and acerola cherries, supplemented with vitamin C and zinc.

Nutritional value
In 100 ml:  
Energy 235 kJ (56 kcal)
Fat < 0,5 g
- of which saturates < 0,1 g
Carbohydrates 13 g
- of which sugars 13 g
Fibre < 0,5 g
Protein < 0,5 g
Salt 0,03 g
Vitamins & minerals
In 100 ml:  
Zinc 1,5 mg/15%*
Vitamin C 80 mg/100%*

* % of the nutrient reference value

Daily portion

We recommend a daily portion of 200 ml. This covers 30% of the daily serving of zinc and 200% of vitamin C.

We recommend a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

The German Nutrition Society recommends reference quantities for the intake of vitamins and minerals for certain age groups and life cycles. According to the German Society for Nutrition, 100 ml cover the following daily serving for zinc at the average phytate intake:

Children (1-3 years) 50%
Children (4-6 years) 38%
Children (7-9 years) 25%
Girls (10-12 years) 19%
Boys (10-12 years) 17%
Girls (13-14 years) 15%
Boys (13-14 years) 13%
Girls (15-18 years) 14%
Boys (15-18 years) 11%
Women (19 years and above) 19%
Men (19 years and above) 11%
Pregnant women in 1st trimester 17%
Pregnant women from 2nd trimester 14%
Breastfeeding women 12%

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung empfiehlt (angelehnt an die Empfehlungen der EU) Referenzmengen für die Zufuhr von Vitaminen und Mineralstoffe für bestimmte Altersgruppen und Lebenszyklen.
100 ml decken die Referenzmenge an Zink gemäß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung bei:

Kindern (1-3 Jahre) zu 50%
Kindern (4-6 Jahre) zu 38%
Kindern (7-9 Jahre) zu 25%
Mädchen (10-12 Jahre) zu 19%
Jungen (10-12 Jahre) zu 17%
Mädchen (13-14 Jahre) zu 15%
Jungen (13-14 Jahre) zu 13%
Mädchen (15-18 Jahre) zu 14%
Jungen (15-18 Jahre) zu 11%
Frauen (ab 19 Jahren, mittlere Phytatzufuhr) zu 19%
Männern (ab 19 Jahren, mittlere Phytatzufuhr) zu 11%
Schwangeren im 1. Trimester (mittlere Phytatzufuhr) zu 17%
Schwangeren ab 2. Trimester (mittlere Phytatzufuhr) zu 14%
Stillenden (mittlere Phytatzufuhr) zu 12%

Starting the day healthy with Rotbäckchen

Sun Power

with the important sun vitamin D and calcium to preserve normal bones.

Vital Energy Formula

supports the body’s energy metabolism with high-dose vitamin B12 and contains important protein elements.